The following information and resources are meant for use by clinic sites of the Michigan-Promoting Healthy Lifestyles (MI-PHL) Project.
Overview of Goals
The Michigan-Promoting Healthy Lifestyles (MI-PHL) project aims to deliver effective Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) services to adolescent and adult patients in adolescent and primary health care settings to address alcohol (overuse and underage drinking), opioid, marijuana, and tobacco use.
Project Goals:
Goal 1: Use EBPs such as the NIATx change process, Motivational Interviewing and FRAMES to expand and enhance treatment service systems to carry out SBIRT services to reduce risky drinking and drug use by 20% among adolescents, young adults, and adults, with a focus on Black and rural populations.
Goal 2: Provide accessible, coordinated, and evidence-based access to MOUD and specialty treatment for both alcohol and drug use disorders through healthcare settings to increase engagement in treatment and reduce overdose deaths.
Goal 3: Promote the sustainability of SBIRT services.
Goal 4: Address State Public Health Measures through the SBIRT program.
GPRA Survey Link
The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) is a set of surveys used to measure the performance of government-funded programs. GPRA surveying is requirement of SBIRT funding, in additon GPRA data metrics will serve as performance measurements for clinic sites.
Clinic GPRA Training
The following instructional document provides an introduction to MI-PHL Project (SBIRT) GPRA requirements and best practices for clinic staff.