The Michigan Comprehensive Assistance for Family Success (MI-CAFS) initiative will enhance the continuum of care services for pregnant and parenting women and their families.
The Michigan Comprehensive Assistance for Family Success (MI-CAFS) is the state pilot grant program funded through Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women (PPW-PLT). The MI-CAFS program initiative is to enhance the continuum of care services for pregnant and parenting individuals with an opioid use disorder (OUD) and substance use disorder(SUD). MI-CAFS will expand the implementation of the High-Tech High Touch (HT2) screening tool to enhance the current women’s specialty services systems that increase access and improve the quality of treatment and recovery support services for pregnant and postpartum individuals.
The purpose of MI-CAFS is to:
- Increase outreach, engagement, screening, and assessment of pregnant and parenting individuals with OUD and SUD.
- Expand Enhanced Women’s Services.
- Increase pregnant and parenting women’s care in opioid health homes.
- Deliver women and family-specific evidence-based practices.
- Increase medication assisted treatment (MAT)to those with opioid use disorder.
- Enhance collaboration across systems of care.
- Increase screening for communicable diseases, including HIV and Hepatitis
- Provide information on the risks of tobacco and nicotine use during pregnancy.
The primary target of Michigan’s PPW-PLT is pregnant and parenting women with an Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD).
Completing the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Core Client Outcome Measures for Discretionary Services Programs is required of all individuals served by the PPW-PLT grant. This is a federal requirement tied to funding. GPRA surveying includes: intake, discharge, and 6 month follow up. A follow up rate of 80% is required for compliance. All GPRA data collection is done electronically through Qualtrics.