At times, it can be difficult to locate clients and successfully complete 6MFU interviews due to several factors that cannot always be predicted. An effective strategy for contacting clients during their 6MFU interview window is collecting contact information of people they associate with in their community.
When collecting your clients’ collateral contact information, remind them:
- SOR GPRA providers will only contact individuals that the Client added to the list. Any contacts removed from the list will not be contacted.
- SOR GPRA providers will only contact listed individuals in an effort to complete the SOR GPRA 6-Month Follow-Up Interview.
- SOR GPRA providers are prohibited by HIPAA, ethical guidelines and professional standards of confidentiality from disclosing to contacts the reason for contacting them. See below for suggest language.
- SOR GPRA Clients are required to initial and date all Collateral Contact Form additions and removals.
- SOR GPRA Clients can remove a contact from the form at any time for any reason. If a client removes a contact from their list, highlight the row in black and indicate in column L the date the contact was removed.
Remember to follow all HIPPA guidelines, ethical standards, and agency privacy practices when reaching out to collateral contacts.
Use vague language when contacting collateral contacts.
Suggested language:
Hello- my name is [______]. I’m trying to reach [Client’s Name]. They gave me your contact information if I ever need to reach them. If you speak to [Client’s Name], please ask them to contact me at [Your Contact Information] by [Date 6MFU Window Closes].